Love, Languages and Other Types Of Food

“Love is NOT a food!”

Oh yes it is! Food is love for the soul, or is it the other way around…either way…same same?

I equate everything to food, one must know that by now. Perhaps it is the incorrect way to approach life, but that is a massive “perhaps”. I’m still alive aren’t I? I try to keep my life as simple as my eating habits…eat everything! My life choices however, are like my taste preferences, sweet and spicy, mushy and crunchy…anything goes even if it doesn’t!

I love honesty, I love being able to hide behind my keyboard and tell the world all sorts of personal details that I probably shouldn’t, with my veil of digital courage and my anonymity (bootcamp_by_princess on Instagram)…I am here to share my findings with you.

It is just that isn’t it…findings…life is filled not with “knowledge” and “journeys”, it is founded on “findings” and “adventures”…or so my young heart would have me believe.

I am a loner by nature, and a single live action game of ‘Escape Room’ later, I can also say that I am NOT a team player! At all! Not even a tiny little bit! I always said I just take the reigns so that people don’t have to work too hard, and I don’t mind doing everything if it helps someone get a little more free time. LIES! Vicious lies! It is because I can do it better and faster, okay its because I do it spontaneously, okay it’s because I tend to trust just myself and if it ends up being wrong (which it wont) at least I can say I did it to myself!

Oh, you think I can’t hear the extreme controlling tendencies and full of poopness that is being exposed right now? (Look at my boyfriend nodding and smiling as he reads this.)

I get it! I may be many things, but at least I am self-aware. I try to change it, on a daily basis, I want to be better, easier to deal with, more of a team player…it’s just hard. I have the worlds greatest big brother, like ever, this man probably bleeds unicorn blood, and I have no idea how to use his plethora of knowledge to my advantage because I have “do it on my own syndrome”. I say, “I hurt my back”, he says…”ah yes…the thoracic cavity…” who even knows what that is?

My best-friend is an undercover agent who reveals a new skill or talent once every two years, and the only thing I ever use him for is as a sounding board for MY ideas! This guy literally knows how to paint, sing, is practically a band leader, writes, is a photographer…you know what, let’s just call him a ‘Jack Of All Trades’…but he is basically my official selfie taker…why? “Do it on my bloody own syndrome”.

Now we get to my favorite part…Le Boyfriend…I’ve known him for 13 years, we’ve been like Kuzco and Pacha level best friends with a love hate relationship for over a decade…I basically despise him because he knows everything (and that role is already taken by me). He can build anything, ANYTHING! If you can dream it, this man can conceive it…and it almost feels like there was an unfair amount of talent and mental capacity dealt out here…nevertheless, here we are (#mylifeissohard).

“Do It On My Own Syndrome”.

Why am I telling you this? I recently, (by recent I mean this morning), recognized that because I am so fixated on getting things done by the book, I may be aware of the different love languages, I may try to enforce them as I recognize it, but truly I am just wondering why everyone doesn’t speak mine, its obviously the most efficient one (rolls eyes).

You can try and “accommodate” people as much as you want to, but that is all it will be, accommodating. Understanding, acknowledging and accepting is so much more inviting than merely hosting an idea for a visit.

I don’t want to be a pleasant host, I want to be a fierce granny type lady that once you visit they lock the doors, put a warm cozy blanket on you and then never let you go even if you track in mud! I can’t always be that, sometimes my cup just doesn’t get filled up fast enough for all the hot chocolate love I am dishing out with my “let me save you while I can’t save myself but only from a distance” personality.

But whose fault is that?

Give without expecting anything in return, but be smart enough to put a pause when you feel yourself depleting. Do not expect that everyone is walking around with a cup of hot chocolate to top up your spilled cup, they may have coffee or tea, maybe even milkshakes, but just because it isn’t what you need, doesn’t mean they aren’t trying to give you what you deserve.

My brother lives by a sugar free,plant based diet most of the time and my boyfriend lives by a “whatever is there” diet, I am a fake vegan who doesn’t eat animal products except if it is in a dessert (guys I am sorry, I am trying). We all live in the same house, we all need to eat…

Sunday Snack Nights In Our house:

Sloth Sandwich (Meat Ingredient Alert)

  • Cooked Meat thats Leftover (anything will do)
  • Cheese
  • Butter
  • Bread (whichever type, I’ve used standard white bread)

Butter the bread lightly on all sides, thinly slice or grate the cheese and lightly cover the bread. Shred meat and place on top of the cheese, and cover with more cheesy goodness. I like to use a ‘Snackwich Maker’ to toast the bread and seal it, it also gives that crusted edge for a crunchy bite. My boyfriend likes the sandwiches slightly brown, but the amount of toasting totally depends on your preference.

Why is it blurry…doesn’t matter…it has cheese

Vegan readers, you can come back, it’s safe now…

Brubi’s Vegan Fauxssert

  • 1 Can of Coconut Milk Or Cream
  • 1 1/2 Cups Soy or Rice Milk
  • Dates
  • Vanilla Essence
  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Desiccated Coconut
  • Coconut Oil
  • Sugar Free Peanutbutter

Chop dates up finely and throw into a saucepan, add in coconut milk or cream and about 1/2 a cup of soy milk, allow to simmer.

In a separate saucepan, heat up coconut oil and throw in finely chopped bananas. Allow the bananas to start to cook and start mushing it up.Throw in a teaspoon of vanilla essence and a sprinkle of salt. Add in 2 tablespoons of peanut-butter and incorporate all the ingredients. (Keep an eye on the milk and dates).

Throw in finely chopped or grated apples and allow to simmer in the banana and peanut-butter mixture, as soon as the apples start to soften, you can add in about 1/2 a cup of the desiccated coconut.

Pour the milk mixture into the banana mixture, add the remaining soy milk into the pan and simmer down until the apples are soft and the mixture reduces.

This can be served warm or cold. It tastes like a pudding and is basically guilt free!

This is what I am about…tolerance. We all have different beliefs, preferences and characteristics.

I cannot pretend that everyone is vegan and I cannot treat the meat eaters in my life as if they have a disease, to each their own. I certainly try to apply the same thought process to every aspect of my life, I don’t always get it right, but at the very least, I do try.

Feed your soul and your soul will feed the world with love!

Published by mylifestylebyprincess

“Don't Rush Your Growth…It's A Natural Process…” I was scrolling through Instagrams search page, I really had no purpose for being online other than to find inspiration. I feel like we’ve reached such a sad point in human development now that everything is either social media, internet or on your bloody phone. I don't want to live this life, but how do I escape it when the people I’m trying to reach are on the other side of my wifi connection… “Don't rush your growth…it's a natural process…” I saw this by K.Tolnoe and thought to myself, am I a just a caterpillar waiting for my wings to come in…or am I a butterfly wasting my opportunity to fly. I still don't know the answer, but what I do know is that I have a story to tell, a story that might save someone just like me. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and wonder why is it that I think that I could ever have anything to offer to the world. On other days I am reminded that I have survived so that I can tell you, that you are a survivor too. If you want to know who I am, you are in for a rollercoaster ride. I’ve been living inside this body for almost 30 years and the only things that I know for certain is that I make use of the ellipsis way more than is grammatically acceptable, I might have terminal worms (because I’m always hungry), I break out into random rants and I will probably never know what I want to be when I grow up. If you want to find out about all the delightful and disgusting things that people go through but are too afraid to talk about, you've come to the right place.

2 thoughts on “Love, Languages and Other Types Of Food

  1. Haha Brilliant tone, ambiguity and contextualizations,.,Thanks for the kind words, yet the sensibility of which you portray me to exude – All stems from You

    Sick Eating Discipline – I got From You
    3am Mornings To prepare the day’s Meals and open the gym at 4am – YOU
    Studying – If it was not for You…

    So Breathe…


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