Better Days

I haven’t had better days, but I have had kinder ones.

“How could you not have had better days?!”

What could be better than being alive? Having my dad around, that was Gods generosity…having every need of mine met and taken care of…that was a blessing from my family…having the easiest life and childhood…a kindness…

I haven’t written for a while, I haven’t felt very inspired to. That doesn’t mean that I haven’t had anything that I’ve wanted to share, but I don’t think I was using the correct voice to convey my messages.

I’m a rainbow child, I believe in magic, unicorns and Disney, nothing will change that! Again, a kindness that I have been afforded! You don’t get to believe in those things without an endless supply of love and hope and I’ve been so wondrously afforded a wealth of people who have shown me nothing but care.

If there was a purpose to this short post, I guess it would be to count your blessings…there might not be many to find right now, it may be hard to recognize them, but just because you cannot see something, does not mean that it isn’t there.

At this point, there is a virus that is causing pandemonium! The world is suffering at the hands of something that is not yet tangible…what good could come of a crashing economy, a mortality rate that is rising and the fear of the unknown?


Sometimes it takes a crisis to bring our attention to what matters the most…I don’t care much for people…but I love life…I don’t live to interact…but I relish every moment that I can see someone smile…

If the only thing that can unite the world is a pandemic…then through it we will find humility.

We’ve all seen kinder days…but none has been better than this moment because you are alive!

Published by mylifestylebyprincess

“Don't Rush Your Growth…It's A Natural Process…” I was scrolling through Instagrams search page, I really had no purpose for being online other than to find inspiration. I feel like we’ve reached such a sad point in human development now that everything is either social media, internet or on your bloody phone. I don't want to live this life, but how do I escape it when the people I’m trying to reach are on the other side of my wifi connection… “Don't rush your growth…it's a natural process…” I saw this by K.Tolnoe and thought to myself, am I a just a caterpillar waiting for my wings to come in…or am I a butterfly wasting my opportunity to fly. I still don't know the answer, but what I do know is that I have a story to tell, a story that might save someone just like me. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and wonder why is it that I think that I could ever have anything to offer to the world. On other days I am reminded that I have survived so that I can tell you, that you are a survivor too. If you want to know who I am, you are in for a rollercoaster ride. I’ve been living inside this body for almost 30 years and the only things that I know for certain is that I make use of the ellipsis way more than is grammatically acceptable, I might have terminal worms (because I’m always hungry), I break out into random rants and I will probably never know what I want to be when I grow up. If you want to find out about all the delightful and disgusting things that people go through but are too afraid to talk about, you've come to the right place.

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