Trust The Process

I’ve got 50 subscribers…how? Why? I haven’t posted in ages! I’ve literally been the epitome of an “absent parent”…

Yet here I am…with 50 subscribers!

That was my goal, when I started this blog I so desperately wanted to reach 50 people, and somehow whilst refusing to pen my thoughts…I got there!

This isn’t a “blow my own horn” scenario…even though it would be more of a “my brother” situation since he was the person contributing to this page the most. This is simply a recognition of how the universe works…whatever is meant to happen…will happen with or without your theatrics…furthermore…whatever you put out into the universe…you’ll receive it…

The timing just depends on how badly you want it…

This notification popped up onto my screen a few minutes post massive melt down…I’m not talking about a few tears…I mean Kim Kardashian laying it on thick for the camera tears!

Have I used this before?

It wasn’t my first one this week, and in the spirit of being honest, it probably won’t be my last one (for the day). My anxiety has been living like it’s lockdown has just been revoked and it has been partying it up Miami style! I’ve never been to Miami…but I watch TV!

Today’s panic attack, I realized after introspection, was because Fathers Day is making a turn soon…whoopdy doo….everyone gets to celebrate their daddies…or complain about how they have to waste money yet again…or grumble about how they hate him and haven’t spoken to him in months…

I don’t get to participate in any of the above options. I don’t get to buy a “worlds best dad” mug (which after 6 years out in the real world I can conclude with certainty, he was), I don’t get to buy the stupid tie with some hideous design on it and I certainly don’t get to have the Sunday mishmash of “lunch”.

I don’t think that’s what really bothers me though…I mean…it’s like Valentines Day…it’s just never going to be what you’ve dreamed it should be…eventually you stop caring…and become like the lazy and grumpy people who say “it’s just another day.”

Truthfully, I think it’s because I’ve realized that it’s time to let go. Daddy can’t save you, nor should he. I looked into the mirror today and saw my extra dark circles drooping down and my bottom lid pulled it down to my lips, where my new cry line pulled it to the side to look like an upside down Joker face.

I didn’t cry because my age was upon me (although I may do that tomorrow), I cried because I looked at the wreck of a woman staring back at me and how much I’ve put her through! The hell I’ve casually walked her into…causing these stress lines and bags from a lack of sleep with these scars and tattoos…

I took daddies little princess and turned her into some failing version of a WWF female wrestler gone wrong! Even more wrong! What right did I have? How disappointed he would be?

Then I remembered (after drying my skin out even further with the crocodile tears of course)…that while my dad was many things…he was never a judgmental ass who poked at peoples weaknesses…instead…he would probably buy me a new pair of shoes and congratulate me on living like the warrior princess he raised.

Maybe that’s just what I’m telling myself.

Either way…I’ve come full circle…from anxious, depressed and self-loathing…to grateful…anxious and only mildly depressed…all because I saw a 50th subscriber.

Life is like that…even when it’s pouring…you can still find shelter…and I love that about life.

Published by mylifestylebyprincess

“Don't Rush Your Growth…It's A Natural Process…” I was scrolling through Instagrams search page, I really had no purpose for being online other than to find inspiration. I feel like we’ve reached such a sad point in human development now that everything is either social media, internet or on your bloody phone. I don't want to live this life, but how do I escape it when the people I’m trying to reach are on the other side of my wifi connection… “Don't rush your growth…it's a natural process…” I saw this by K.Tolnoe and thought to myself, am I a just a caterpillar waiting for my wings to come in…or am I a butterfly wasting my opportunity to fly. I still don't know the answer, but what I do know is that I have a story to tell, a story that might save someone just like me. Sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and wonder why is it that I think that I could ever have anything to offer to the world. On other days I am reminded that I have survived so that I can tell you, that you are a survivor too. If you want to know who I am, you are in for a rollercoaster ride. I’ve been living inside this body for almost 30 years and the only things that I know for certain is that I make use of the ellipsis way more than is grammatically acceptable, I might have terminal worms (because I’m always hungry), I break out into random rants and I will probably never know what I want to be when I grow up. If you want to find out about all the delightful and disgusting things that people go through but are too afraid to talk about, you've come to the right place.

2 thoughts on “Trust The Process

  1. I actually thought about you a lot today, how you navigate blissfully through life with none of the stressors of pushing against the tide. I respect that about you so much.

    I will save the lengthy submission and tell you that:

    You are the strongest woman that I know

    People might have Fathers’ but they don’t have you. I would take you any day!

    In the word’s of him…

    “Everybody deserves to break down sometimes,” and “sometimes” was sometimes years. No judgement, just quiet motivation and support.

    Any one who knows the path that you have walked will be incredibly blessed to know you

    You are appreciated, wonderful and an inspiration to Many

    You deserve all of the love and happiness that is on its way to you
    It will engulf you and embrace you in its arms
    Your life is a testament to strength, willpower and the possibility to do anything

    I thank you for being you Sister
    CONGRATULATIONS On Your 50 !!!
    I Love You And I Am Always Proud Of You !


    1. This is such a kind response!!

      Thank you so much I honestly appreciate you and how you are always ready to make me feel better!!

      Thank you for being the best big brother in the world!!

      I appreciate you!

      Love you !


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