New Year…Same Me…

It is quite literally time for the “New Year, New Me” stuff! Truthfully, I get it. I start eating clean every Monday, I start a new exercise regime every second sunrise…point is…the beginning of a cycle is always the best time TO CLAIM TO START something new. I GET IT! I sort of treat theseContinue reading “New Year…Same Me…”

‘When It Begins To Feel Like Work’

Guest Post By: RichKing So this is entirely pertinent for me right now. I am not offering answers, maybe a tad bit of insight, and no recommendations. Other than to traverse your own path to discovery of yourself.  A client stated this to me last week…”I have loved fitness my whole life, but did notContinue reading “‘When It Begins To Feel Like Work’”

Sinners Sin

I have just got to tell you…I love this meme! Have you ever heard anything so true? What is the one thing that we as humans are great at? The only thing we ever exercise any sort of opinion on? The one thing we are willing to start wars for? Being right! Let me explainContinue reading “Sinners Sin”

What If My ‘Thing’, Is Not Actually ‘The Thing’

What if it is merely a vehicle to get you/me to your/my ‘Thing’ An aspect of a blessing that does not require attachment, as attachment might actually detract from the ‘Thing’… Okay I actually detest my verbiage, or at least my non specific, mundane referencing. What Is My Purpose in this Life? What Is MyContinue reading “What If My ‘Thing’, Is Not Actually ‘The Thing’”

Swish And Flick

I’ve always wanted to be able to do a headstand, but I have a severe fear of being upside down. Rolling, tumbling, cartwheels…any of those things that normal kids are meant to be able to do were always just not in my list of playtime skills. I personally blame my mother… Fine I also personallyContinue reading “Swish And Flick”

A Guide To Dealing With Anxiety And Panic Attacks

Whether you suffer from Anxiety or Panic Attacks, or you know someone who does, you need to read this… So what exactly is anxiety? Anxiety is an irrational fear that something completely rational is going to transpire in the most catastrophic way ever…in fact…it will be so completely damaging that not even God himself willContinue reading “A Guide To Dealing With Anxiety And Panic Attacks”

Love, Languages and Other Types Of Food

“Love is NOT a food!” Oh yes it is! Food is love for the soul, or is it the other way around…either way…same same? I equate everything to food, one must know that by now. Perhaps it is the incorrect way to approach life, but that is a massive “perhaps”. I’m still alive aren’t I?Continue reading “Love, Languages and Other Types Of Food”

Additional Resistance Equates To Progression – For Me –

Guest Post By Rich Kings Fitness Additional Resistance = Progression – For Me Extrinsic stimuli – in what ever shape or form I find is and has always been beneficial for me I believe that through my eccentric phases of neglecting physical training and opting for bullshit – a large part that has kept meContinue reading “Additional Resistance Equates To Progression – For Me –”

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